Most people out there are more confused than ever about what they put in their bodies every day. I do my research, stay away from the trends and instead focus on a menu rich in unprocessed, whole, nutrient rich foods produced as humanly as possible.
Here is the philosophy that has allowed me to feel healthier than I ever have:
My husband and I started Honeybird Farm because we believe that decentralized, conscious, humane agriculture is part of securing a healthier future for ourselves and the larger world. Most big box stores cannot develop a personal relationship with each of their customers or ensure the safety and quality of each of their products.
I can guarantee that for your local, sustainable farmer, it’s a labor of love. So what are you waiting for? Go introduce yourself!
An easy way to get started is by checking out The Local Harvest Website where you can search the local farmers in your area.
Abundance & Balance
Name a diet and I’ve tried it – Pericone, South Beach, Eat for Your Blood Type, Gluten Free, Dairy Free and yes I was a Veggie. None of them stuck. And I believe that one of the huge reasons that they didn’t is because of the relationship that I actually had with my food.
I was so obsessed with everything I SHOULDN’T eat. It was a philosophy based entirely on lack. Now, I try not to use the word “diet” instead nurturing a feeling of abundance, fulfillment and enjoyment in my life. It helps that I focus on all the wonderful things I DO eat (spouted beans, dark chocolate, rich pastured meats etc), and how vital they make me feel.
Not all foods are right for all people, a balanced approach is what works best for me. Yes I eat dairy and meat from happy cows. Yes I’m going to have a slice of that homemade bread. If it’s cherry season, dang it I’m eating those sweeties! Sugar? Pass me the dark chocolate.
Real Foods
I try my best to eat unprocessed, unrefined, whole foods most of the time. Foods treated in that way are stripped of their nutrients and offer little in the way of health (except maybe a temporary high). Think french fries vs. potatoes. So I stay away from the white stuff (anything made of refined sugars and flours) and reach instead for the sprouted grains, healthy fats, naturally grown vegetables and fruits, pasture-raised meats and any other foods that make me feel alive and happy!
Eating Wild
Most people think of the grocery store when imagining where they get their food – more and more I think about my backyard. The joy of gardening and providing even a small portion of your own food is an incredible feeling. I am blessed with acres to produce on, but it wasn’t always that way. You would be surprised what you can grow in the average backyard or patio!
Beyond the seeds we ourselves plant, there is food everywhere if we know how to look. I have been wild crafting (gathering wild edibles) for over ten years now and it has changed my life. When we go wild it helps us eat seasonally, enhances our senses, connects us to our ancestors, and hones our skills and knowledge about what we put in our bodies.
If you are completely overwhelmed just know you are not alone. Contact me and we can get started on transforming your relationship with food.
Your Woman Gone Wild,